Latest Census of Central Govt. Employees 2011

Total Central Government Employees: 31.16 Lakhs
Railway: 45.32 %
MO Home: 22.20 %
Defence Civil: 11.35 %
Communication and IT: 7.7 %
Finance: 3.62 %
Other Ministries and Departments: 9.76 %
Regular Employees: 3.20 Lakh
Total Women Employees: 10.26.
Non Gazzetted Employees: 96 %.
Regular employees are Group C 57.80
Group D (Now Group C) 30.62 %.
Group B: 8.63 %
Group A: 2.95 %
53% of employees are living in 'C' Class and unclassified cities.
15.31 % in B2 Cities.
4.61% in B1 Cities.
11.10% in A Cities
15.66% in A1 Cities.

Conditions of Earned Leave (EL) encashment along with LTC

1. What are EL Encashment conditions for LTC ?  
  1. A Maximum of 10 Days EL can be encashed with each LTC .
  2. 60 days EL can be encashed in the entire Service.
  3. EL encashment has to be taken before the travel of the journey.
  4. 10 Days EL can be enchased, If the duration of the Journey is less than 10 days also.
  5. If EL is encashed for LTC, then there will be No change in the number of ELs which can be encashed after retirement.
  6. If both Wife and Husband are central government employees, then only one can avail EL encashment while availing LTC and
  7. For entire service, both Husband and Wife can avail 60 days EL each.
2. Can an Employee change his Home Town more than once ?  
  1. If an Employee has given the declaration of Home Town, and his higher authority has approved it , then that Home Town can not be changed.
  2. But in some special cases, the Higher Authority can allow the employee to change his home town, but he has to give the declaration that for the entire service, he will not apply for the change of Home Town again.
3. What are the conditions for Home Town Declaration ?  
  1. By the term home town means, the place where an employee / official has to go occasionally for discharging / carrying out his family as well as social responsibilities.
  2. Generally a Home Town means the birth place of the employee.
  3. Higher authority has the power to decide the home town of an employee.
4. If both wife and husband are govt employees, can they avail LTC separately ?  
  1. Both wife and husband got the option to give declaration of  Home Town separately.
  2. If husband has given wife as a family member, then wife cannot take LTC her own.
5. What are the conditions for LTC for Freshly recruited Employees ? 
  1. Minimum 1 year continuous service required.
  2. One All India LTC  and  3 Home Town LTC instead of 1 Home Town LTC .
  3. This is valid for First two block years.

LTC80 Fare List ( 1st June, 2011 )

Flight Routing

a) D - Direct Flight to Destination without any stop.

b) V - Via Flight to Destination without any change of aircraft but with a stop.

c) C - Flight to destination with a change of aircraft at a transit point. Stop-over permitted at the transit point (Refer Table V on Link Fares)

2 a) EAP30 & SAP 7 Fare Levels are Advance Purchase Fares which are available for sale
upto 30 days, & 7 days in advance before schedule date of deaparture of the flight.
EAIP14, SAIP5 & TAIP3 Fares are Advance Purchase fares which may be available till D-0

b) Fares under RBD U on select flights available under different fare basis depending on the schedule time of departure.