Latest clarification regarding stepping up of pay of Senior Assistants of CSS

No. 7/7/2008-CS.I (A) 
Government of India 
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions 
Department of Personnel & Training 

Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market New Delhi, 
dated 9th November, 2011.


Subject: Clarification on application of the DOPT's OM No. 7/7/2008-CS.I (A) dated 22.12.2010 and 18.03.2011regarding stepping up of pay of Senior Assistantsof CSS on/after 1.1.2006 vis-a-vis notional fixation of pay. 
      Attention is invited to this Department's OM of even number dated 22.12.2010 and 18.03.2011 on the above subject. Subsequently,Ministries/Departments have sought clarifications on the same subject,the details of which have been listed as under:
SI. No.
Issues                     raised                      by
Whether the grades ofAssistants and
SOs of CSS are centralized for the
purpose of stepping up of pay allowed
as per this Department's OM No.
7/7/2008-CS.I      (A)   dated 22.12.2010
and 18.03.2011?
Yes. For the two purposes as mentioned in
the      OM    No.    7/7/2008-CS.I    (A)    dated
22.12.2010 and 18.03.2011, the cadres of
the      grades    ofAssistants      and   SOs    are
Whether the Notional fixation of pay
allowed in the grades ofAssistants and
SOs of CSS of certain Select List vide
this Department's OM No. 6/3/2009-
CS.I         (S)       dated      09.07.2010      is
mandatory or optional?
The        Section       Officers/Assistants       are
allowed an option to have their pay fixed
from the date of their actual promotion or
from 1s` July of the Select List year. The
option would apply to all such officers
covered by the OM No. 6/3/2009-CS.I (S)
dated 09.07.2010, irrespective of the fact
whether they are included in the Select List
from Seniority or the Departmental Exam
Whether pay of the            SOs of CSS
belonging to LDCE quota for the years
2004     and   2005   who   actually   took
charge      as     Section     Officers     after
2.1.2006, but were working as regular
Assistant      on    02.01.2006    is    to    be
stepped up with that of Shri G.M.
Kabui who was appointed as adhoc
Assistant w.e.f 02.01.2006?
Claims of Section Officers who opt to have
their pay fixed in the grade of Section
Officers        from     the      date     of     actual
appointment for stepping up of pay may be
examined     in    the    light     of    instructions
already               issued               by              this
Department/Department      of     Expenditure
vide OM No.          7/7/2008-CS.I (A) dated
22.12.2010 and 18.03.2011.