The Directorate is seeking information from all the circles on postmen related issues. We request our circle secretaries to assist the P4 circle secretaries at their levels to ensure sending reports by the circle heads before the cut off date ie. 19.8.2011.

No 25-20/2008-PE-I (Pt.)
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division.
Dated Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110 001
Dated 22nd July, 2011
All Heads of Circles
Subject:-Study to be carried out on Postmen related issues.

The Joint Council of Action of Staff Federations including Postmen Staff submitted their Agenda of demands to the Department for their resolution. As ordered by the Competent Authority, a separate Committee has been formed to look into the issues flagged by the Postmen Unions. A meeting of the said Committee held on 01.07.2011, wherein during the course of discussion, Staff side put forward certain issues on which they are facing difficulties while discharging their duties.

2. In this connection, therefore, the Competent Authority has decided that each Circle should carry out detailed study on following issues:-
(i) Extraction of Data Entry Work from Postmen.
(ii) Irregular computation of working hours for Postmen in the field units- assess
all areas of work being handled by Postmen.
(iii) Assess the average Beat Length of Postmen for deciding the maximum
Beat length as in some Circles it stretched upto 40 Kms or more.
(iv) Postmen to carry all articles (first class, second class, Speed Post,
Registered Post, Money Orders, EPP, etc.) in each Beat.

3. It is requested to complete the Study on above points and send the report alongwith the comments of CIFA to this office by 19th August, 2011 positively so that further suitable action could be taken.
4 It may please be accorded Top Priority.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Yours Sincerely
(Prabhu Das Xalxo)
Asstt. Director General (Estt.I)

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