Action plan for achieving the SB Revenue target for SB Mobilization from 25.7.11 to 30.9.11 for PTA division

         An action plan has been formulated regarding the revenue-target in respect of SB/CC work for the year 2011-2012.The target for our division is Rs. 10.31 crores in terms of Revenue and 7.22 lakh numbers of live accounts as on 31.03.2012.

        To achieve our allotted target ,it is decided to launch a special drive from 25.07.2011 to 30.09.2011 for the mobilization of Savings Bank business in our division.Hence all are requested to take efforts to achieve the maximum.The target to be achieved by each office by 30.09.11 is as detailed below.

Category of office
Net achievement from 01.04.2011 to 30.9.2011(ie. No of  new accounts opened minus no. of accounts closed)
Each HO
Each SO
 800 excluding BO’s
Each BO

  •        Division will arrange prizes for HOs/MDGs/Class1/Class II/Class III offices showing good      perfomance.

  •  All MPKBY agents who canvas 500 or more accounts during this drive period from 25.7.11 to 30.9.11  will  be awarded.In addition to the above,the first three achievers will be specially awarded.

  • Adequate publicity may please be given for the drive and earnest efforts to be taken to mobilize maximum number of accounts. 
                                                                                                            Pathanamthitta dvn.


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